Wer schlechte Fehler vermeidet und aus den guten Fehlern lernt, wird langfristig erfolgreich sein.
- @Helmut Goiginger
Was Sie erwartet:
Step by step to flawless products and processes.
Peak workloads or resource bottlenecks interrupt the flow of work, hinder progress and cause dissatisfaction within the team and of customers – a nightmare for every project manager. In such cases, immediate action and rapid support is required. Even with the most demanding projects, implementation can start immediately thanks to our high level of expertise and many years of experience.
Do you have resource bottlenecks and need an FMEA moderator who can get started immediately?
In FMEA workshops, too much is discussed about the method and too little about the actual content?
So far you have moderated FMEA’s yourself, although you actually have the role of the technical expert?
Your customer or auditor criticized previous FMEA’s?
Are you introducing FMEA software and want to transfer and optimize the old Excel FMEAs at the same time?
Would you like to set up family, basic or generic FMEAs efficiently and methodically in order to be fit for future developments?
You should or have to implement/conduct FMEA and actually have no time at all?
Do you want to reduce the number of development loops and complaints or costs of failures?
Successful FMEA moderation means understanding product and process functions, deriving, analyzing and evaluating risks systematically. This forms the foundation for timely product and process improvements - even before high costs are incurred due to late failure correction.
FMEA is used to identify work priorities. Not only is it easier to manage risks rather than fight problems. Efficient risk management also saves stress, unplanned overtime and thus gives you valuable time.
Through structured, moderated workshops, a systematic approach, high methodological competence and the use of the right tools, you will receive valuable results in the shortest possible time. Skillfully applied auxiliary tools and techniques support this and bring you and your team further.
Often forgotten and yet so important: communicating the results. The targeted communication of risks and measures in the team, in the company and to the customer is an essential success factor for results with strong implementation, acceptance and commitment.
Emphasize your professionalism by acting instead of reacting and managing risks instead of problems! With the state-of-the-art FMEA method, taking into account customer and industry-specific requirements, you gain additional trust from your customers.
Identify workload peak or resource bottleneck and request support
Define goals, create a framework and develop a powerful plan
Rapid start, consistent implementation and targeted risk communication
Identify workload peak or resource bottleneck and request support
Define goals, create a framework and develop a powerful plan
Rapid start, consistent implementation and targeted risk communication
Wer schlechte Fehler vermeidet und aus den guten Fehlern lernt, wird langfristig erfolgreich sein.
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