Wer schlechte Fehler vermeidet und aus den guten Fehlern lernt, wird langfristig erfolgreich sein.
- @Helmut Goiginger
Was Sie erwartet:
"Those who avoid bad mistakes and learn from the good mistakes will be successful in the long term."
Founded by Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Goiginger in 2015, the company pursues one goal: to plan, introduce, establish and improve efficient methods for technical risk management in organizations.
How we imagine the ideal working world? Proactive instead of reactive. Prevention instead of correction. Thinking ahead instead of just thinking. Acting instead of hoping. Looking at the issue instead of looking away. All this forms the basis for an appreciative and profitable cooperation.
We are convinced that the right level of risk management saves employees’ time and nerves, saves the company money and brings the customer the desired quality. I am committed to this together with my network of competent partners.
We cooperate with well-known companies in the automotive industry, medical technology, mechanical and plant engineering, metrology, aviation, electronics, etc..
We are happy to provide references, case studies and project examples on request.
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Wer schlechte Fehler vermeidet und aus den guten Fehlern lernt, wird langfristig erfolgreich sein.
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